Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Filled With All Badness

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 01:28-32, NKJV).

The old American expression, “full of yourself”, is an apt description of a bad person, someone who is empty of compassion, mercy, and morality. It is someone who cares nothing for others, and who looks at everything in the world, including people, as objects to be used, ignored, or discarded. It is impossible for such a person to be good, and the amount of people who are this way in a society proportionately increases as God is shoved further away from collective thought and consciousness.

To be full of oneself is to be as the Apostle Paul describes above. Note the repetition of the concepts filled with all, and full of. Each of the words that follow those thoughts are indictments of the natural human character; the one that is ours from physical birth.

Left untouched by God, the infant is destined to be filled to the brim with the nightmarish qualities Paul lists above, and it is instructive to take a deeper look at each of these attributes of moral horror. But as we do, understand this: every individual will either be filled with God, or filled with themselves. There is no middle ground.

And the indicators are whether a life produces the fruit of the Spirit,

...love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control...(Galatians 5:22, 23, NKJV).

or the unmitigated darkness of a man devoid of God.

What then does it mean to be filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness?

The simplest definition of the Greek word translated filled is, crammed to overflowing, made replete, to level up a hollow. The idea is that once the filling is complete, there is no room for anything more, all available space has been occupied.

The word all has the same connotation in Greek as English. It means “every and any”, with nothing left out or missed or overlooked.

In other words, those who are without God are crammed full with any and every kind of God's opposite, as if a vacuum exists that must be replaced with one or the other. It cannot remain empty, and there are only two sources of filling, God or not-God. That is why we are all either with Him or against Him. And that which is not-God is, by definition evil.

Paul continues with a painstaking list of what is involved when that filled human hollow is devoid of God, and he starts with all unrighteousness. That carries the meaning of being opposed to God's morally legitimate laws in thought, word and deed. Whatever God deems righteous, this is its opposite. Instead of love, this is hate. Instead of truth, this is deceit. Instead of life this is death. What God commands in terms of not being covetous, this is full-fledged murderous greed and self-entitlement. The apostle is saying that those without God leave no unrighteousness behind, and practice “every and any” kind of moral lawlessness.

Next is all sexual immorality. Remember from previous verses, God, who invented sex, has proscribed the parameters by which this most important human activity is at its best and most satisfying. Anything outside the marriage bed of a one-man-one-woman lifelong relationship is sexual immorality, and unlike other sin, is something that humans engage in against their own bodies. Those without God open themselves up to this kind of behavior to their own harm, and, as the Apostles writes in verse 32, not only do these things but approve and encourage others to do the same.

Now the world will attempt to persuade you that such restrictions on sex are “repressive”, “damaging”, “unnatural”, “old-fashioned”, and even “idiotic”. Except for “unnatural” (for because of the Fall our inherent way of life is against God, so sexual immorality is indeed, “natural”, as is pain, sickness and dying), in reality, God's laws of sexual morality are not repressive, but honoring of the God-given bond between husband and wife. It is sexual immorality that is damaging to all concerned, and self-destructive behavior of any kind is logically idiotic. God's restrictions should be seen as protective, not prohibitive, like guardrails along a highway, preserving that special intimate relationship reserved only for holy matrimony.

Coming to all wickedness, we have vicious depravity in view. This is evil activity with the primary aim of causing others to suffer, and to take twisted delight in that suffering. It is hurting someone or something and experiencing pleasure in seeing them writhe in pain. And this pain is not just physical, but includes emotional and spiritual agony, as well. This is the stuff of nightmares, but is nevertheless all too real in this life.

All covetousness is the desire to have that is which is not rightfully ours, and to take it whenever possible no matter what the cost. This is part of David's many sins in committing adultery (sexual immorality) with Bathsheba, which ultimately caused him to murder Uriah, her rightful husband. He coveted Bathsheba and took her for himself in complete disregard of the pain and suffering it would cause. He felt entitled to her because if his position as king, and a necessary component of all covetousness is that same grandiose sense of entitlement.

Lastly in view here is all maliciousness. This is utter badness and malignity (deadliness) towards others. It is behavior motivated by sheer hatred, and needs no prior or outward cause, but is evil that erupts from within the godless soul. The modern world tries to explain this by postulating all manner of psychological phenomena to account for it, through willful ignorance refusing to understand what is its only root cause: the inherent evil of fallen man without God.

Even this partial list makes us shudder, and, as your father, my daily prayer is that God protects you from these rampant evils throughout all the years of your precious life, but I do not want you to be ignorant of these things, so that you are never caught unaware.

The world wants you to believe that God, if He exists, desires to rob you of joy, but the truth is that His moral laws are provided to ensure that your joy is full.

