Saturday, November 29, 2014

Foolish Wisdom

Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man--and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things. (Romans 01:22-23, NKJV).

There was a time in Western history when Biblical truth and principles served as the foundation of civilized society. In fact, Christianity was the driving force behind the societal, philosophical, humanitarian, and scientific advances of Western civilization for the past 19 centuries.

This is incontrovertible reality, despite screeching cries of protest from modern academia. And the current climate of rebellion against such statements is of no importance, aside from it being a showcase for the tortured reasoning put forth to support such anti-Christian foolishness.

Multi-degreed scholars from once-Christian institutions of higher learning, like Harvard, Yale and Oxford, are often the poster-boys (and girls) of this revisionist movement, standing at the forefront of what the Bible describes here as those who professing to be wise...became fools.

This is not to say at all that formal education is, in and of itself, the cause of intellectual devolution. Rather, it is the corrupted heart behind those in academic power who decide what is, and is not, “accredited” and legitimate focus of study.

None of this is new, of course. There has always been a long human war against God, from Eden onward, but what is new is the pervasiveness of the anti-God propaganda put forth as scholastic wisdom – and the means to propagate that message through media, cyberspace, and popular culture.

It is virtually impossible to avoid being inundated by it, and the only effective remedy to all the vaunted deceit is to be inoculated with the truth. This means being so well-versed in Scripture that even diabolically subtle attacks on Biblical wisdom can be detected from a long ways off.

We are to be prepared to rationally, reasonably and comprehensively give an answer for the reason for the hope that is within us, and be able to do so with respect and consideration.

And all this intellectual opposition does not mean that we are to squirrel ourselves away in monastic cloisters, shunning confrontation or argument, and figuratively holding up the Bible in front of us as some talisman against evil thinking.

It means simply that we are to prepare our own hearts and minds daily in order to be equipped for the fight.

Later in Romans, Paul well tell us...

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2, NKJV).

That intellectual renewal is an inherent part of Biblical Christianity. Mindlessness has no place in a follower of Jesus. Neither does lock-step conformity to some outward appearance of righteousness.

Unity can only come from truth, properly understood and lived out. That is why the foolishness of the world is in such fragmented disarray, and cannot withstand the scrutiny of critical thinking.

Here are some examples of foolish wisdom:

The earth is billions of years old despite perfectly reasonable evidence to the contrary.

There was no global flood. (Ignore those marine fossils on the mountaintops of the Himalayans.)

God did not create the Universe with Intelligence and Design, it all just “happened” via a quantum singularity that simply exploded out of nothingness, and, well, here we all are. And while it is inarguably true that Causality seems to be organized around very granular principles of physics that are remarkably friendly to sustaining human life, that is all just a coincidence.

There is no absolute morality or truth, except for this one statement about there absolutely being no absolute morality or truth.

Human life does not begin at conception, meaning, I suppose, that until the moment of delivery we can never be sure just what species will emerge. Consequently, “products of conception” are disposable at anytime prior to birth for any reason as a human right. (That this makes abortion legal and acceptable is an abomination far surpassing the Nazi Death Camps of World War II.)

Tolerance of contradictory religions and philosophies is a sign of a mature society, except we cannot tolerate any religions or philosophies that claim to be sole proprietors of the truth; especially Biblical Christianity.

Heterosexual marriage is fundamentally a “cultural phenomena”, despite the obvious biophysical compatibility of the male and female of the species apparently perfect for just such a monogamous union.

All of this wisdom is currently popular and preached from the ivory towers of higher learning.

It is all equally foolish, and counter to common sense and observable evidence.

It is also diametrically opposed to the truth revealed in God's Word.

You will undoubtedly be bombarded with it (and worse) throughout your precious life, so be prepared.

But the outcome of this battle is not up to us. It is up to God.

And He has already won.

