Monday, October 07, 2013

(Reprise) Dead Man: The Fires of Molech

I was once more beside my King, overlooking the planet below from a vantage point outside time and space.

I watched His ageless face as He stared downward, and whereas before I had felt His eyes like fire burning through me, now they took on the appearance of fire. There was a smoldering divine anger that seemed to intensify with each passing second.

"Soon," He said aloud, I am sure for my benefit. 

I knew without doubt what He was referring to; that Day of Judgment that was coming.

I then followed His gaze to try to see at least in part what He was seeing. And I noticed again the trails of intense light streak upward through the atmosphere, and I knew that these were souls departing from physical bodies and entering into the afterlife.

As I watched, their numbers increased exponentially, quickly becoming a broad, expansive wave of radiance lifting off from the beautiful but defiled planet below.

These were deaths, I knew, but why so many, so suddenly? And there were none of those wells of darkness intermingled indicating the departure of unbelievers into the place of torment. All these were heaven bound.

"Come My children," He again said aloud. "Come to the place I have prepared for you."

Then He turned to me with those eyes of fire and spoke in a voice unlike any I had heard Him utter before. I began to sense a dreadful storm approaching; an overwhelming conflagration of divine judgment.

"Who are those coming in such numbers to Heaven?" He asked me.

"Lord, you know," I replied, unable to answer any other way.

"They are My children being slaughtered each day within their mothers' wombs. The little ones who are sacrificed by the millions to the false gods of pleasure and convenience and commerce. These are My children being ripped apart without mercy before birth, or burned with salt and acid. Those who are guilty of such abominations are as the defilers of old who built the high places of Baal which were in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, who caused their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My mind that they should do this abomination, to cause their nation to sin."

As He said this, in a voice suffused with suppressed wrath, I also sensed something else; a grief that if fully expressed would shatter the Universe.

And I watched the wave of light ascend to Heaven, ashamed and undone that I was of this people.

This was my world and my nation that condoned such horror and evil and called it good; that reduced the magnificent miracle of divinely created life to something banal and worthless, disposable in the name of individual freedom and personal rights, like so much unwanted garbage.

This was my world and my nation that vilified those who would dare declare this as sin and unborn human life as precious.

This was my world and my nation that was increasing its condemnation with every passing moment; with every helpless murdered infant.

I was horrified, and knew with unshakable certainty that the just and devastating judgment that was soon to come would be undeniably righteous, and irrevocably final.

I was amazed once more that my Lord would have forgiven this world and this nation even now, after such slaughter of innocents, if its people would just humble themselves, repent, and ask forgiveness.

But I knew also that most would not, and thus this world and this nation was doomed.

And my gratitude to my Lord intensified that much more, for His mercy in dying for the sin of this planet, and making escape from His coming holy wrath possible through faith. For I knew with unshakable certainty that I was as inherently evil as all the rest, but was washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb.

And while I understood the wrath to come was terrible, I longed for the evil below to be judged, and stopped.

© Bill Lilley 2011, 2013