Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Lie

Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. (Romans 01:24-25, NKJV).

It is interesting that Paul uses a definite article to refer to a singular falsehood that humankind has exchanged for the truth of God. Whatever outward form of that lie was prevalent 2000 years ago, I believe its essential nature has been the same since shortly after the Fall of Man. It's this: God is not the Sovereign Ruler and Author of Life and Creation.

Today that falsehood is encapsulated in the Theory of Evolution and it has powerful deceptive properties and ramifications. For me, it was the single most significant obstacle to my becoming a believer. Evolution, along with its corollary of Long Ages directly opposed the plain truth of Scripture, especially the foundational book of Genesis.

Do not think that Evolution was invented by Darwin. The first recorded instance of it was by the ancient Greeks centuries before the birth of Christ, and the bedrock of its appeal then and now is Materialism, and Naturalism. Its seductive delusion is that nothing exists that is not material (meaning there is no spiritual realm and therefore no life after death), and the only things that can exist come from Nature (and thus nothing Supernatural – like Deity – is allowed in the picture).

I have discovered in life that these two basic premises, Materialism and Naturalism, actually underpin the unspoken philosophy of many who consider themselves religious. By this I mean that many people who claim to believe in God, hold a kind of unexamined belief, based on their own imaginations and largely materialistic upbringings, that conceives of God as having invented the Universe and then having mostly sat back and let things unwind.

This is Deistic thinking at heart, along the lines of Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson, with a token mixture thrown in of conditional Supernatural favoritism bestowed by “the man upstairs” upon those He favors. This is not Christianity, and for most purposes of living, is not very far removed from purely Naturalistic Evolution.

And the pervasive Lie, is the same: God is not the God revealed in the Bible, who is the Creator, Judge and Sovereign Ruler over all that is.

Today, most professional scientists are atheistic Evolutionists. It is a virtual prerequisite. And the vast majority of College graduates are, as well. This is in large part due to the fact that The Lie of Evolution is the only thing allowed to be taught in government schools.

Make no mistake, Evolution, with its insistence on Long Ages and Survival of the Fittest, is a philosophy that enables unspeakable evil. It views Life, including human life made in the image of God, as an accident of chance over time, and thus no different in value from any other life.

It facilitates genocide and ethnic cleansing, and what the Nazi's termed “Life Not Worthy of Life”. It makes abortion not only acceptable, but despairingly logical. It gives permission for any and all human behavior because it removes God's transcendent authority completely from all moral equations.

Evolution is a brilliant and effective scheme of the enemy, and plays right into mankind's inherent rebellious hatred of God, and self-justifying pride.

I have heard the following said by “highly educated” men. “The problem with the world is all these religions and all the violence associated with people trying to impose their religious beliefs on others.”

This is demonstrably and historically false, especially within the last 100 years. In reality, far more people have been killed – millions more – by atheistic communist states than all the “religious wars” throughout history combined. Furthermore, in the world today there is only one “religion” that proclaims conversion or death (the ultimate imposition), and that religion is most emphatically NOT true Biblical Christianity.

We will see what this reductionist view of human life leads to more thoroughly in subsequent posts, but know this, it is impossible to logically and consistently believe in the salvation offered through Jesus Christ unless the book of Genesis is understood to be literal history.

To many this is an utterly shocking statement, instantly relegating me to a lunatic fringe of religious fundamentalism, but do not read into my words in the previous paragraph more than their literal meaning. I am not saying that those who deny Genesis but believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are doomed to Hell.

I am saying that their belief in Jesus and the need for Him as Savior is inconsistent with a non-literal view of the origins of the Universe, humankind, and sin as recounted in Genesis. Thankfully, consistency is not a requirement for salvation, only sincere faith in the Person of Jesus Christ.

But consider this as well. It is obvious that Jesus viewed Genesis as actual history. Examine His statements in the gospels about Creation, Adam and Eve, sin and marriage. Consider also the fact of His Deity (a necessary tenet of true Christianity).

If the Lord Jesus rejected The Lie of Evolution, and embraced Special Creation, then so should we.