Saturday, October 19, 2013

(Reprise) Dead Man: Dead Man at the Center of Existence

I had seen and walked through the outskirts of Heaven, and looked over the edge of its Balcony into time and space, and into the past and present of the Planet below, but nothing I had seen, or could imagine, prepared me for what I experienced next.

How do you describe the indescribable?

John, in Revelation, gives us a glimpse of the utter magnificence of the City of God as it comes down out of Heaven and appears in materiality, and his description provides a sense of its reality impinging for the first time upon our own.

The terrible beauty of his words paint an almost incomprehensible image of grandeur and immensity; a single city half as big as the Moon, composed of precious stones and materials of such extravagant proportions as to leave us breathless.

Yet, I did not see the City as John saw it. I did not come that close.

But my experience was nonetheless transforming, for what my eyes did not see, my heart understood, and I was overwhelmed with the conviction that here, in this place, in the very Center of Existence, everything was of such solidity, and of such substance, and of such eternality that everything else - everywhere else - was mere shadow.

This was the essential glory from which everything else derived.

From this moment on I will know what it means to be alive.

From this moment on I will know what it truly means to exist, for I have been shown the swirling, immeasurable depths of pure creative power, and have caught a glimpse of the consuming fires of the glory of our God.

And the most amazing realization of all, was that this raw, and wild, and raucously powerful strength, so untamed and infinitely uncontainable in any dimensional space, is that same power which is expressly embodied in the Person of my Lord Christ - for in Him is all this fullness of the Godhead.

He is the image of this Glory.

That this One became a creature like us in order to share with us all that He is, to show us His intent and love for us, to be one with us, is the greatest, most incomprehensible gift of all.

To be loved by such a One is unthinkably grand and magnificent and glorious.

And then, the vision of my heart was gone, and I stood for what I knew to be the last time on the Balcony of Heaven.

"He gave you all that you could withstand," my companion said. "Even the smallest bit more and you would have been undone."

I nodded, not willing to speak.

I was not grieved, exactly, for I knew that my destiny was to live forever in this realm.

And I was not exactly impatient, for what is a few more passing years on-planet when all eternity was my ultimate reward?

But I was… wistful.

I did not want to leave, but I understood how little what I wanted at any particular moment had any real significance in comparison to His gracious, eternal purposes for me.

Who was I to do more than just place absolutely everything in His hands?

Who was I to do anything other than absolutely, unquestioningly obey His loving will for me?

After all, I was, and had only ever been from birth, a Dead Man.

A Dead Man whom He had made alive.

© Bill Lilley 2011, 2013