Sunday, June 23, 2013

Conspicuous Faith

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. (Romans 01:08, NKJV).

When Jesus was arrested and interrogated by the Sanhedrin, the ancient Jewish ruling council, in one of His answers to their accusations, He declared that His message to the world was not spoken in dark corners or hidden, but that He always taught in the Synagogues or Temple where the Jews always met. He spoke in the open to all who would listen.

Nothing was said in secret.

This is important to understand for two reasons. The first is that the message of the gospel is a truth that has been made known to all the world. That is its purpose, so that every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God so that they will seek His Savior.

Second, you may encounter in your life false doctrinal teaching that speaks of secret mysteries of the gospel, special knowledge that only special “Initiates” into the “Mysteries” can know; perhaps even supposedly encompassing “new revelation”. But that cannot be true, for all has been revealed that is necessary for godliness and salvation.

Jude, the half-brother of Jesus who wrote the very short, but important Book of Jude in the New Testament, tells us:

Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. (Jude 1:3, NKJV).

Note that key phrase: “once for all”. It is an ancient way of saying “once and done”, or “once and for all”, meaning that the subject or action in view is complete, with nothing missing.

This doesn't mean that we have complete or perfect understanding of everything the Bible contains, but it does mean that the truths that we believe as Christians are themselves complete and, as importantly, not hidden.

And neither should we be.

Our faith and life should be conspicuous, like the early Roman church Paul was writing to whose faith was spoken of throughout the whole world.

Now this certainly does not mean that we as individuals should be on parade, drawing attention to ourselves rather than to God, as if we are something. But it does mean that there is no such thing as a “closet Christian” or a “silent disciple”.

Nor does it mean that we should use our knowledge of the truth as a weapon or as a mark of our imagined and delusional superiority, though, in truth, some will accuse us of just that by our merely mentioning Christ or the Bible.

But again, it does mean, that we are to live our lives unashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for all those who believe.

Mockery and false accusation are guaranteed to follow, but that is no different than what happened to Jesus, Himself. And He has warned us in His word that if the world hates Him it will hate us who follow Him.

It is hard to go against the grain of the masses, hard to stand up to the majority and call out its evil and sin, but it is what we are kept alive on the earth to do: to speak the truth in love, and to let all who hear us know where our allegiance lies, with God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sometimes it may even be the hardest thing we ever do, and may cost us friends and family, and even our very life. But we are never alone. Jesus designed His church like He designed each of our bodies. He made Himself the head, with each of us playing our part in spreading the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. And while some of us play a more obvious part than others, each is essential for the health and well-being and full-functioning of the entire body.

And even if we are physically isolated, He will never leave us nor forsake us.

People should know we are Christians and what we believe. But that is not to say that we should be preachy, or legalistic or obnoxious about it. We get enough bad press without deserving it, so let's make sure that our words are gracious salt and light, and not bitter and contemptuous pills that choke people on the way down. Again, we are to speak the truth, but always in love.

Now in some places in the world, becoming a Christian is an automatic death sentence, but in everyplace, Christians are targets of the enemy, especially when we do not keep silent.

Why? Because our words, our deeds, and our lives can be used by God to bring others into His Kingdom, and the enemy hates that, and us. Since he has already lost us as his possessions, the only things he has left is to discredit us, persecute us and mock us so that we are silenced.

Don't let that strategy succeed. Yes, by fighting against it, you may suffer and lose much, but in the end, you will gain more than you can ever imagine.

