Monday, February 06, 2012

Ask Yourself

Is this really what we are? Close to 56,000,0000 murdered pre-born infants in less than 40 years? Forcing contraceptive and abortifactant expenses on religious institutions that are opposed to both on doctrinal grounds? Supporting an entertainment industry that promotes immorality and mocks morality? Purveyors of mainstream "news" media that serve to undermine classic and venerable human values, disparages the family, and holds up devotion, love and purity as objects of contemptible scorn? Is this what we are? Really? Because if this is what we are as a nation, as a people, what exactly about us is worth preserving?

We have planted, nurtured and fertilized the seeds of our own destruction - proudly, contemptuously, calling good evil and evil good. We have lost our cultural innocence, nobility and sense of purpose, and above all, we have turned a blind eye to the dissolution of the very things that once made us exceptional as a God-fearing nation.

We have gone the way of Babylon, Ancient Persia, Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome, but with this difference: we have free-fallen from the heights to the depths at break-neck speed, descending to a level of banality and evil unprecedented in human history. How? Because we now have the technological prowess to spread our moral dysfunction around the globe at the speed of light.

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man [a nation, a world] sows, that he [it] will also reap. (Galatians 6:7, NKJV).