Sunday, July 31, 2011

Whose End is to be Burned

For the earth which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, and bears herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated, receives blessing from God; but if it bears thorns and briars, it is rejected and near to being cursed, whose end is to be burned. But, beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you, yes, things that accompany salvation, though we speak in this manner. (Hebrews 06:07-09, NKJV).
Nothing is outside the sovereign control of God. In His mercy, He allows a time for repentance and surrender in this life. And like the earth itself, which drinks in the rain that often comes upon it, that time of grace and the pouring out of the sweet rain of divine forgiveness, can either bear fruit or thorns.

No matter who you are or what you have done (and we are all guilty before God), you can drink in that grace, accept the offer of forgiveness extended to you through Christ's horrific death, and be one who receives blessing from God. Or you can stubbornly remain at existential war with your Creator, bearing nothing but thorns and briars… whose end is to be burned.

These verses illumine a solemn warning aimed at willful unbelievers, and others who falsely, or without commitment, name the name of Christ as their Lord and Savior.

This echoes what Jesus taught on ravenous wolves in  the famous Sermon on the Mount, and reaffirms what Paul wrote to the Galatians: that there is a perilous danger in thinking you are Christian when you are not.

With brutal honesty, ask yourself this question: do you pierce and tear those around you, like thorns and briars? Or do you add joy and richness to your household and extended family, and your community, like herbs useful for those by whom it is cultivated? For know this, what you say tells as much about your heart and the state of your soul as what you do. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks (Mt 12:34).
True Christians, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, do not cultivate bitterness, unforgiveness, or resentment. They cannot, for in the end, Christ chastens and corrects, breaks and remolds the converted human heart into His image. And He offered forgiveness to the very soldiers and authorities who crucified Him. He came to save a world that He knew would hate and reject Him, yet He loved us anyway, and died to set us free.

If you are Christ's (which is the single most important issue of your existence), then your purpose in life is to serve His purposes; to share His love and character; to display to a rabid and unfeeling world a love that surpasses all understanding. In that way, and in that way only, you demonstrate the sincerity of your faith. Will you stumble in sin? Of course. You are at war with yourself, old man and new creation, and the battle goes to whichever side receives nourishment and care.

And know this too - if you are not Christ's, you are like those thorns and briars brought forth from earth that rejected the love and mercy poured out by the Savior, who will not accept His offer of salvation through faith. There is then no other outcome to your existence then judgment, depicted horribly in Scripture as where ‘Their worm does not die, And the fire is not quenched.’ (Mark 9:44, NKJV).

This clarion warning is included in Hebrews and directed with laser-like accuracy to those who have crossed over the border of professed acceptance of the things of God, but whose hearts have remained stone-like and cold. 

Their end is to be burned.

There is nothing more tragic than someone who believes that they are saved, but whose inward life proves otherwise. Is this you? Do you harbor sin protectively deep in your heart, guarding it against all attempts by God to set you free? Do you hold onto grievances and hatred against those whom you feel have wronged you? If so, if you kick and scream against the goads of forgiveness and love, then examine yourself whether you are really in the faith.

In this life, there is nothing more burdensome than bitterness and envy. It eats away at your very core.

It devours from within and causes backbiting and strife to erupt outwardly in your everyday existence.

There can be no peace when thorns and briars abound along your way.

Put aside the offenses of this world and repent. Come to the Cross of Jesus and beg forgiveness.

And He will heal and restore, and empower you with His Spirit to live the life He intends for you… for you as His beloved son or daughter.

Your only alternative is to face the judgment that comes to all sons and daughters of disobedience.

No doubt, if you do not believe in the gospel of Christ, this is all nonsense and religious cliche to you. I know. I came from such a place.

But if you do, even a little bit, then - 

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…(Colossians 3:16, NKJV).
And repent and bear the fruit of repentance.